Choose from 8 magnification models from 3X to 15X Desk Magnifiers, 81-26mm Diam Lens depending on Mag., 3X and 4X Tilt, Top Quality. Hi Power magnifiers have established a reputation for functionality, durability and outstanding value. At the heart of each magnifier is an aspheric lens designed to give sharp, low distortion images. The Acrylic lens material offers excellent clarity and strength. The stand version is available in a range of 8 powers and the lens is held in the correct working height to give a clear steady image. The 3x And 4x have a tilt facility and the 15x and 20x are adjustable. Lens dimensions are dependant on magnification selected. (Higher mag = smaller lens) 3x 81mm, 4X 80mm, 6X 50mm, 8X 44mm, 10X 36mm, 12X 34mm, 15X 29mm, 20X 26mm
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