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Caring for Your Laboratory Microscope

The laboratory microscope is a valuable and essential tool in scientific research and education. It allows us to explore the intricate world of microscopic organisms and structures. To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your laboratory microscope, it is crucial to follow proper care and maintenance practices. In this article, we will provide you with essential tips on how to care for your laboratory microscope, ensuring accurate results for years to come.

1. Cleanliness:

Keeping your laboratory microscope clean is of utmost importance. Prevent dust and debris from accumulating by covering the microscope with a dust cover when not in use. Never clean the objective lenses unless they absolutely need it. If often using immersion oil on the 100x lens (daily for example), there’s no reason to clean it. Instead use good quality immersion oil and replace the oil often (don’t let it go yellowy in colour, it should always be clear).  Take care when using the microscope to not get oil on the 40x objective lens.

When cleaning an objective lens or eyepiece is a necessity, we recommend using a combination of 70% alcohol wipes, non-toxic glass cleaner (the latter is normally used as much as possible to avoid any damage to the lens), lens tissue on cotton wool buds and micro fibre cloths (the same cloths as used for cleaning glasses).

The microscope’s exterior surfaces can be wiped with a soft cloth and mild cleaning solution.

Should your microscope or lens require further cleaning, or you would prefer for an expert to clean it, please complete the form on this page and we can arrange for one of our dedicated microscope service engineers to contact you to organise this.

2. Proper Handling:

Handle your laboratory microscope with care to avoid accidental damage. When lifting the microscope, always hold it with both hands – one on the arm and the other on the base; never lift the microscope by its stage or nosepiece and avoid placing any excessive pressure on the lenses, as this can lead to misalignment or damage. When adjusting the focus or other controls, make smooth and gentle movements to avoid damaging the mechanics of the focus rack. It is also important to avoid touching the lenses directly with your fingers, as the oils and dirt on your skin can damage the optics. To switch between lenses, instead twist the nosepiece which usually has grooves cut for grip.

3. Storage:

Proper storage is crucial to protect your laboratory microscope when it is not in use. Store the microscope in a clean and dry environment, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Use a microscope dust cover to protect it from dust and debris. If the microscope is portable, consider investing in a sturdy carrying case to protect it during transportation. Proper storage prevents the accumulation of dust, prevents damage from environmental factors, and extends the lifespan of your microscope.

4. Maintenance:

Regular maintenance is essential for the smooth functioning of your laboratory microscope. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding routine maintenance tasks, such as lubrication and alignment. Periodically check and clean the microscope’s mechanical components, such as the stage, focusing mechanisms, and condenser. Inspect the power cords and connectors for any signs of damage and ensure proper electrical grounding. If any issues arise, contact a professional microscope technician for assistance rather than attempting to fix it yourself – we have a team of experienced microscope service engineers that are happy to assist and can be contacted here.

One of our GT Vision Service Engineers servicing a SEM system

5. Calibration and Service:

Calibration is necessary to ensure accurate measurements and observations both with your laboratory microscope and microscope camera. Periodically check and calibrate the microscope’s magnification settings using an eyepiece reticle, stage micrometer or calibration slide. This will ensure that your microscope provides accurate and reliable results. Additionally, consider scheduling regular servicing and maintenance with a qualified microscope technician. They can perform more in-depth inspections, clean the internal components, and address any potential issues before they become major problems. A service can be booked by contacting us here or phoning us on 01284 789697.


Proper care and maintenance are vital for the longevity and optimal performance of your laboratory microscope. By following these essential tips on cleanliness, proper handling, storage, maintenance, and calibration, you can ensure that your microscope remains in excellent condition and continues to provide accurate and reliable results. Remember, a well-cared-for microscope will not only serve you well in your scientific endeavours but also contribute to the advancement of research and education in the microscopic world.

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